If you as a researcher or representative of an organisation are of the opinion that you have data that should be available through EPOS, please let us know. Depending on the thematic area and the state of the data sets, this can be everything from straight forward to substantial work. EPOS is the overarching European research infrastructure for provision of data related to the solid Earth, but most likely it will never by complete. At present, it provides data for nine thematic areas (Thematic Core Services, TCS). The Swedish researchers that are currently active in EPOS Sweden contribute actively to five of these nine areas. Thus, neither the thematic coverage of the EPOS research infrastructure and the contribution of EPOS Sweden to this research infrastructure are all-encompassing and could be substantially improved.

If your data fall within one of the TCSs responsibility that EPOS Sweden is actively contributing to, chances are good that your data can be provided to EPOS within the existing project framework. Please contact us to get in touch with responsible person.

If your data belong to an EPOS TCS that is presently not part of EPOS Sweden activities, you could engage with TCS directly and thus, in the future, contribute to and expand EPOS Sweden activities. Please contact us to get advise, help and support.

If your data on the other hand fall completely outside the existing EPOS TCSs, a dedicated effort from the thematic community would be required to establish and develop the relevant TCS and get it accepted by EPOS. Please contact us to get in touch with EPOS, to learn more about your options and, possibly, already existing activities.